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Bâtiment Saint-Etienne

The Institut d'Optique Graduate School has been present in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region since 2003 in Saint-Etienne, where it carries out teaching, research and innovation activities, particularly in relation to the local and regional fabric.

At the end of their first year at Palaiseau, SupOptique students can choose to come and study in Saint-Etienne in order to follow an original course, focused on fields of applied optics:

  • design of complex optical systems (especially for astronomy),
  • measurement and control of appearance (especially for art restoration, cosmetics or health),
  • optics for solar energy. 
  • Students obtain the same degree and the same opportunities as at the three sites, such as the possibility of integrating in the third year the double degree programs (HEC Paris, ESPCI Paris, Science Po etc ...). The only differences are the content of the training and the environment.

Research Specialities

Labwork in Saint-Etienne

The Faculty conduct their research activities in the Hubert Curien laboratory, a joint research unit between the Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne and the CNRS.

This laboratory has a long tradition of excellence in the fields of computer science and photonics, as evidenced by the fact that it has been awarded an equipex (Manutech USD), then a labex (Manutech SISE) and finally a university graduate school (SLEIGHT), in the field of mastering the physical properties of manufactured surfaces.

Cutting-edge innovation

Open Factory in Saint-Etienne

Innovation is one of the key themes of the creative district where the Institut d'Optique is located in Saint-Etienne.

Bringing together researchers, designers and entrepreneurs, this district is rich in meetings and opportunities for innovators.

As stakeholders in the environment, the student entrepreneurs develop their projects in partnership with all its actors and in particular :


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